Friday, August 26, 2016

Hidding Places

I've been interested in things hiding all around, remaining unknown and unseen. It's a concept that has seeped into my work in various ways, but recently has consumed my imagination. 

Last week I talked about character sketches that I'm working on for a story that is just beginning to percolate. As I've been gathering the cast and trying to flesh them out, I realized that I needed to formulate a rough plot to fit them in. I had an inkling, but when trying to figure out the characters, I knew that I needed more. 

Over the last few days, things have started coming together. One idea merging with the next. Slowly the picture is starting to come together and it involves this idea of things hiding all around us. Dark and scary things. Things we tell ourselves that they don't exist. These are the ingredients that are cooking up this story....stay tuned.

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