Friday, August 18, 2017

Thoughts on the Future that Come from the Past

Moving is a headache! There's no doubt about that. There's lots of boxes. Putting things into boxes. Taking things out of boxes. Disposing of said boxes. But it's also a chance to ferret through the collection of stuff that one has acquired during their lifetime. 

Three years ago, when I moved out of my home of a decade and into what I knew would be a temporary rental house until we found a place we wanted to call home, I had to give up having a full office and settled for a nook. As a result I had marked several boxes from my old office as "DO NOT UNPACK." These brief time capsules have recently been opened as I once again find myself set up in an office of my own. 

In these dusty musty boxes, I came across notes on many, many half-started and abandoned writing projects and have begun thumbing through their contents. The new manuscript I've been working on is structured in such a way that it should allow me to include these fragmented elements in some way, shape or form. Though currently inconclusive, I feel that my hoarding has not been utterly useless.

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